OHMIC Ohmic heating for the food and feed industry

The heat treatment of food and side streams for feed requires vast amounts of energy, most of which derives from fossil fuels. Ohmic heating is an established electrified heating technology for liquid foods, with the potential of saving up to 50% of the energy and no emission of CO2 if green electricity is used. The project will further develop ohmic heating to be used in major solid food categories such as meat, slaughterhouse side streams (for feed) and fish meal. Ohmic heating will also be developed for plant based product for the growing marked for plant based products. If successful, these major consumers of fossil fuel will be able to convert to green electric power. The project will develop the technology of ohmic cooking on-site at the participating companies. Sustainability assessment will be made to document energy savings and reduction of CO2 emission. Microbiological safety, and an anticipated improved nutritional value and sensory quality of the products will be tested and documented. To provide a basis for decision making in the industry, specific guidelines for ohmic heating of solid food and feed, cost benefit calculations and implementation plans will be provided.

Key figures

2023 - 2025
Egen finansiering:
3,89 mio.
7,22 mio.
65 %
11,11 mio.


Fælles overordnet teknologiområde
Elektrificering Energieffektivisering


Teknologisk Institut (Main Responsible)
Partner og Økonomi
Partner Tilskud Eget bidrag
Teknologisk Institut 3.05 mio. 2.03 mio.
DAKA DENMARK A/S 0.38 mio.
Danish Crown Foods A/S 0.14 mio. 0.43 mio.
Alflow 0.45 mio. 0.30 mio.
FERMENTATIONEXPERTS A/S 0.15 mio. 0.10 mio.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) 1.80 mio. 0.20 mio.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 1.63 mio. 0.18 mio.

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